Category: News

Factoring brokers’ tricks of the trade

Factoring brokers earn a commission from factoring companies for clients that they place with them so it makes sense that the less successful brokers that don’t place any business won’t earn any commissions so the less scrupulous brokers have a number of little tricks to help them win deals and thus earn commissions most of which are […]

Regulation of factoring brokers

Sadly factoring brokers are not regulated in any way so anyone can set up as a broker whether they know anything about the industry or not and dispense so called advice that may benefit their client or could just as likely lead them into financial ruin. The internet has made life easier for factoring brokers […]

Regulation of factoring companies

Regulation of factoring companies or the lack thereof will probably come as a surprise to many as despite being a major source of working capital finance the factoring industry is completely unregulated and whilst banks are regulated their factoring subsidiaries are not. As many insiders will know there have been numerous cases where companies have […]

Independent Factoring Brokers

Factoring and invoice discounting have grown in popularity in the last few decades and many consider invoice finance to be a form of mainstream finance nowadays. The growth of factoring has also seen a growth in the number of factoring brokers all offering their services and expertise and claiming to be independent whilst also claiming […]

20 Blogs Every Small Business Should Follow for Finance Tips

One of the most important parts of any business is its finance. It’s therefore crucial to look for the best resources and advice when it comes to small business finance. In the following post we will look at the 20 finance blogs we think you should be following for a greater understanding and insight into […]

5 Types of Small Business Funding Help to Aid Cash Flow for Start-ups

Even if you have a truly amazing idea, it is not easy to build a brand-new business venture from the ground up. It doesn’t matter if you have big plans to continuously expand your business or just plan on establishing yourself as a high performing sole trader, it is important to find sources of funding […]

Manufacturing And Construction Output Shrink Leaving Economy At A Standstill

In October the country’s construction and manufacturing industries shrank and caused economic growth to stagnate. GDP only rose by 0.1pc and in both August and September, it was flat. This is due to a cross-sector economic stall. Data retrieved by the Office for National Statistics found that agriculture sectors were the only services that increased […]

Improvements Seen In SME Access to Finance Report

Adam Tyler, FIBA’s Executive Chairman, has recently pointed out that one third of SME’s are still unable to secure essential funding. As chairman and director of The Genesis Initiative, an SME lobbying group’s Access To Finance committee, Tyler put forward a survey and report last week in the House of Commons looking into how access […]

Factoring Quotes Online

Factoring Quotes Online

Factoring quotes obtained online are increasing in popularity but whether or not it’s a sensible method of finding a suitable factoring company is debatable and that is why Factoring Solutions as well as most other specialist factoring brokers don’t offer that facility for very good reasons. The cheapest factoring rates rarely come from the best […]

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